Digital Edition Software: Choosing the Middle Ground

Just about everybody in the publishing industry has a digital version of their magazine online. The range of products goes from National Geographic and Wired magazine’s very interactive versions to the simple pdf print replicas used by most smaller publishers. The perception is that interactive digital editions are only for the big boys and to an extent, this is true. If you want to go interactive, there is a good chance that you are talking about big money, either for the software to create and distribute it, or the time it takes to create it. Almost all of the large publishers have the programming staff necessary to bring interactive digital editions to life.
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Newspaper Digital Publishing: Getting Started

Fifty percent of readers get their news online in comparison to radio and newspapers (23 percent and 28 percent respectfully). This is according to the Pew Research Center’s Biennial Media Attitudes Survey July 2013. With news being served minute-to-minute on various platforms of electronic media, newspapers have risen to the challenge to keep up with their digital readers. The key to keeping a reader engaged will mean understanding today’s internet trends and adapting to various multimedia tools. What are digital newspaper publishers focusing on in order to keep up with their digital subscribers?
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In January the FIPP published a 444-page report, World Magazine Trends 2013/14. The survey found that print editions of newspapers and magazines would continue to shrink at an average rate of 2%-3% a year, while revenue from digital editions had seen considerable growth, from about $8.2 billion in 2012 to an expected $15.2 billion in 2015.
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A recent industry survey revealed that a quarter of its respondents had engaged with digital magazines each month, thus underlining the growing popularity and acceptance of magazines in the tablet format. This is bringing in advertisers, but is it really making the medium viable and profitable? Tablet advertising is both a nascent and a niche medium, and advertisers and publishers alike are still coming to terms with what works for the medium and how.

Though the primary factor driving success is a sense of familiarity between the paper and digital versions, the same axiom can not be superimposed on to the tablet advertising sphere. Publishers and advertisers must find the niche features that drive tablet advertising. Here are a few important features to make tablet advertising workable:

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Windows 10正式版上手体验:一款接地气的系统_科技_福建 ...:2021-8-2 · 微软正式开始向包含中国在内的全球用户推送Windows 10正式版安装包,相比之前的Win 7和Win 8,Windows 10明显有着更高的关注度。微软更是对外宣称,Windows 10是目前最好的操作系统。


1. Check out the quality of the resolution of the pages. JPGs are much bigger files than html files so in order to increase speed on the internet, many Digital Edition providers compress the files. The compression can pixilate the images and leave your digital edition almost unreadable.

Many publishers are maniacal about the quality of their paper for their print products, but are willing to put up a digital edition that hurts the perception of their product. The digital edition can really broaden reach, but it’s important that digital versions are a reflection of the quality of the print product.
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